COVID-19 Infections & Vaccinations Dashboard

2 min read

It's more than one year since the pandemic ravaged the globe and impacted how we live and work. Fortunately, a growing number of countries are rushing to get their people vaccinated. This means that now is the time for me to update my previous proud work of COVID-19 Dashboard (opens in a new tab).


Like when news outlets were starting to publish daily updates on COVID-19 infections, a similar degree of media have been reporting updates on global vaccinations.

However, unlike COVID-19 infections data, global vaccinations data with the same degree of granularity is hard to come by. In other words, less countries are reporting province/state-level data and some do less often.

Fortuantely for me, Johns Hopkins University GoVex GitHub ( (opens in a new tab)) provides global dataset. In fact, this is neither the only destination one can find about global distribution of vaccines nor the most famous ones. Rather, Our World In Data (OWID) (opens in a new tab) is the primary source for many and Bloomberg Graphics (opens in a new tab) also provides one.

By comparing these dataset, I concluded that Johns Hopkins University GitHub is the place to start as I did with infections dashboard building. While it provides less granular data, it at least does more than other sites.

Newer developments

Additional data sources

With fewer countries with granular dataset (province/state-level), I set out to widen data sources. In addition to South Korea, I expanded gather data of these countries' dataset separately.

Per-population figures

In infections tracking, daily changes were enough for the purpose. While per-population or percentage were used, it wasn't used as often as raw figures.

However, in vaccinations, the focus is quite different. While we track daily changes as well, we are more concerned with how much of the poulation has been vaccinated as vaccinating 75% of the population is often thought of threshold for reaching herd immunity.

Therefore, for vaccination data, I shifted the representation of data for per-100K population.

Country-level barplot

As mentioned before, less countries are repoting province/state-level vaccination data. If I restrict selection of countries to ones which have province/state-level vaccination data, the choice would be much narrower.

Therefore, to keep the number of choices of countries the same, I chose to employ barplot when vaccination data is not available in province/state-level.

In addition, to keep the number of charts smaller, I stacked vaccination data in one stacked barplot, specifically administed vaccines doses on top of fully vaccinated people.


Main Landing Page (Summary)

Heatmap (Vaccinations)

Stacked barplot (Country-level vaccinations-only)

Choropleth (Vaccinations)

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