Enlighten, compatible with Airflow real-time logging

5 min read

What is the problem?

In a post about logging in Airflow, I mentioned the performance deterioration of tqdm in Airflow logging.

To recap, inside an Iterator, logging using print() is deferred until the end of that iteration. Therefore, despite Airflow's ability to produce real-time logs, I couldn't view the real time log productions before switching to logging module. Also, more importantly, in terms of logging purposes, tqdm module operates as print(). In other words, iteration progress couldn't be tracked real-time with tqdm.

This was one of the biggest drags, as tqdm is the go-to module for many Python developers who would like to track progress with iterations. Importantly, without that progress tracking, I couldn't know if the program was running or not.


As I mentioned in the past, the tinier module enlighten does its essential job very well. After switching to this, I could track the real-time logging in Airflow as if running in the console.

The only caveat is that its lack of additional helpful functions available in tqdm (e.g., progress_apply() for pandas apply). However, it can be implemented with the custom functions and in fact, progress_apply() function is also just a shorthand function.

How to use?


pip install enlighten


import logging
import enlighten
logger = logging.getLogger()
manager = enlighten.get_manager()
progress_bar = manager.counter(total=100,desc='Iterating Loops',unit='ticks',count=1)

Here, enlighten.get_manager() is required to handle writing to logs in addition to progress updates. As can be easily expected, progress_bar is what stores current progress.

While other parameters are easier to guess, the one that matters is count. Default value at 0, this parameter determines the starting index of counting. By setting to 1, it starts counting from 1 to the value of total parameter.

Simple iteration (For loop)

import logging
import enlighten
logger = logging.getLogger()
manager = enlighten.get_manager()
progress_bar = manager.counter(total=100,desc='Iterating Loops',unit='ticks',count=1)
tick = 10
for idx in range(100):
    if idx % tick == (tick-1):

In this way, the progress bar is printed every 10 step (for every 10% in this example).

Iterating Loops  10%|██▎                   |  10/100 [00:39<06:31, 0.23 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  20%|████▍                 |  20/100 [00:39<02:45, 0.49 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  30%|██████▋               |  30/100 [00:39<01:35, 0.75 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  40%|████████▊             |  40/100 [00:39<01:01, 1.01 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  50%|███████████           |  50/100 [00:39<00:40, 1.27 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  60%|█████████████▎        |  60/100 [00:39<00:27, 1.52 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  70%|███████████████▍      |  70/100 [00:39<00:17, 1.78 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  80%|█████████████████▋    |  80/100 [00:39<00:10, 2.04 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops  90%|███████████████████▊  |  90/100 [00:39<00:05, 2.30 ticks/s]
Iterating Loops 100%|██████████████████████| 100/100 [00:39<00:00, 2.56 ticks/s]

Advanced application (Pandas apply)

Now, time to get serious. As I wrote earlier, although it does not provide a direct way to apply to pandas apply, enlighten can be used to track progress of it.

To imitate the operation of tqdm.progress_apply(), I first made a wrapper function called progress_apply() which is the outermost function to be applied within the apply, which will delegate progress bar updates to update_progress_bar() function.

def update_progress_bar(progress_bar,idx,ticks,logger):
    if idx in ticks:
## Mimic tqdm.progress_apply
def progress_apply(cols,func,progress_bar,ticks,logger):
    return func(cols)

Here, func is the (lambda) function to be applied within map/apply, As expected, progress_bar and logger are previously defined progress_bar and logger variables, respectively.

Finally, ticks is the new parameter, which is the list of ticks. For instance, if I have a DataFrame of 100 rows and tick unit of 10, ticks parameter is [9,19,29,39,49,59,69,79,89,99].

Additionally, I also made a function to generate tick lists specifically.

def get_ticks(data,tick):
    return [round((len(data)/tick)*(n+1)-1) for n in range(tick)]

Finally, let's plug-in to the apply.

import logging
import enlighten
import pandas as pd
logger = logging.getLogger()
data = pd.DataFrame({'a':[i for i in range(100)]})
manager = enlighten.get_manager()
progress_bar = manager.counter(total=len(data),desc='Iterating DataFrame Apply',unit='ticks',count=1)
tick = 10
def update_progress_bar(progress_bar,idx,ticks,logger):
    if idx in ticks:
## Mimic tqdm.progress_apply
def progress_apply(cols,func,progress_bar,ticks,logger):
    return func(cols)
def get_ticks(data,tick):
    return [round((len(data)/tick)*(n+1)-1) for n in range(tick)]
def lambda_func(cols):
    return cols[0]*2
data['idx'] = data.index
data['b'] = data[['a','idx']].apply(lambda x:progress_apply(cols=x,func=lambda_func,progress_bar=progress_bar,ticks=get_ticks(data,tick),logger=logger),axis=1)
Iterating DataFrame Apply  10%|█▎          |  10/100 [00:04<00:38, 2.39 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  20%|██▍         |  20/100 [00:04<00:16, 5.04 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  30%|███▋        |  30/100 [00:04<00:09, 7.69 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  40%|████▍      |  40/100 [00:04<00:06, 10.34 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  50%|█████▌     |  50/100 [00:04<00:04, 12.99 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  60%|██████▋    |  60/100 [00:04<00:03, 15.63 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  70%|███████▊   |  70/100 [00:04<00:02, 18.27 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  80%|████████▊  |  80/100 [00:04<00:01, 20.91 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply  90%|█████████▉ |  90/100 [00:04<00:00, 23.55 ticks/s]
Iterating DataFrame Apply 100%|███████████| 100/100 [00:04<00:00, 26.19 ticks/s]
     a  idx    b
0    0    0    0
1    1    1    2
2    2    2    4
3    3    3    6
4    4    4    8
..  ..  ...  ...
95  95   95  190
96  96   96  192
97  97   97  194
98  98   98  196
99  99   99  198
[100 rows x 3 columns]


While it accomplishes the mission of apply (look at the new column b), with the help of enlighten library, the progress is tracked as well.

One thing to note is the recording of row index to idx column. This is done to track current iteration index and to print out progress with given the tick unit. That is, if current iteration index is within the ticks list, the progress will be logged.

Final note

While I didn't mention earier, enlighten.manager() can be customized to modify the format of the progress bar. In my opinion, for normal console out, it doesn't matter much.

However, in Airflow logs, where additional information (e.g., time, log level and name) are added, default format of the progress bar may feel like too much. In other words, do we really need to have progress indicator at the log files?

The following is the modification of the format not to include that indicator with bar_format parameter.

import enlighten
manager = enlighten.get_manager(bar_format='{desc}{desc_pad}{percentage:3.0f}%| {count:{len_total}d}/{total:d} [{elapsed}<{eta}, {rate:.2f}{unit_pad}{unit}/s]')
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