MLX - An even better performance enhancer on Apple Silicon

3 min read

MPS - Recap

In an earlier post, I introduced Metal Performance Shaders (MPS), for the Transformer-based NLP model performance boost.

In today's deep learning models, Pytorch and Transformer (by Huggingface (opens in a new tab)) is the default destination to go.

With the MPS, Apple Silicon Users can handle (train/predict) deep learning using their GPUs, albeit not at the same level as SOTA NVIDIA GPUs.

In my own testing with spacy-experimental module, it showed twice performance of the same job in Intel i5-9500 3GHz Machine.

At the time of that writing, MPS was supported from macOS 12.3 (Monterey).

However, as it happens, now the essentially minimum macOS version has been bumped to macOS 13.3 (Ventura) to reliably support most LLMs in the market.

While technically being supported, Pytorch in Monterey with MPS show the following warnings.

RuntimeError: MPS does not support cumsum op with int64 input. Support has been added in macOS 13.3

MPS: no support for int64 min/max ops, casting it to int32

MLX - An Framework by Apple ML research

In today's AI world, nothing is constant as we've witnessed how the tech world has been revolutionized since November, 2022.

Apple ML researched has released an array framework, MLX (opens in a new tab) for an optimized ML operation on Apple Silicon machines.

pip install mlx

An array framework? Why?

You might be asking, an array framework? What's the big deal?

In ML, unstructured data such as text or image are converted to numeric arrays for complex computations. In fact, both Tensorflow and Pytorch are based on the concept of tensor, which enables us to handle all sorts of deep learning models.

It would be easier to understand that numpy library is the required for many ML-based libraries.

What's with LLMs

As MLX is provided as a framework, using it out of the box with the SOTA LLMs might be a bit challenging.

We don't care or intend to develop a model from scratch. We care how to use LLM models seemlessly and faster.


They provide MLX-LM library, with which we can inference or fine-tune the LLMs.

pip install mlx-lm

As I'm currently testing out a few models from which I plan to fine-tune for my own purposes, I haven't got to the point of model fine-tune yet.

Example with Google Gemma

My recent interest has been Google's Gemma model (opens in a new tab), therefore it was my obvious choice to try with MLX-LM.

  1. Library installation
pip install mlx-lm
  1. Text Generation
from mlx_lm import load, generate
model, tokenizer = load("google/gemma-1.1-2b-it")
response = generate(model, tokenizer, prompt="hello", verbose=True)


The apparent question between MPS and MLX is if we need another optimization toolkit for deep learning. Don't we already have the ability with MPS in Pytorch?

It could be.

With MPS, we can leverage Apple Silicon's GPU on Pytorch. However, most advanced features are or has been developed with CUDA in mind.

Take bitsandbytes quantization library for example. As of this writing, it doesn't support Apple Silicon yet while it is planning to in the near future.

Therefore, while we can leverage same syntax of Pytorch with MPS, not all functionalities are supported yet.

MLX, however, is an independent library, not a part of Pytorch. Therefore, the same problem with Pytorch-side might not happen, besides a learning curve to learn a separate package.

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