Finetuning stopwords with spaCy - Named Entity Recognition

2 min read

Text Preprocessing

In Natural Language Processing (NLP), preprocessing is the first and the foremost part of it. Recall the adage in Data Analysis and/or Data Science : "Garbage in, Garbage out". This is especially true in NLP. Without proper preprocessing, the subsequent text analyses would be inaccurate at best.


At the core of the proprocessing is to get rid of unnecessary words, digits or as such. In that regard, one of the most tricky works is to remove stopwords - so commonplace and meaningless words in many texts.

How to remove Stopwords

Basic (NLTK)

Most NLP packages include predefined stopwords for English language. Therefore, if one is working with English texts, using that preset of words would be a good start.

import nltk
# Stopwords files should be downloaded first'stopwords')
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
# Get a list of stopwords
stopwords = stopwords.words('english')

Advanced (spaCy - Named Entity Recognition)

The above method is a good start, however, still there would be plenty of unnecessary words unremoved. For example, Date, Time, Money, and so on.

This is where Named Entity Recognition (NER) from spaCy can give hands. NER is usually useful for recognizing geographic entities, organizations and prominent figures, to name a few.

However, it can also extract beforementioned unnecessary Date, Time and so on. Therefore, with NER, we can further remove stopwords.

import spacy
# Load English Medium model
nlp = spacy.load('en_core_web_md')
# Analyze a sample text with the model
doc = nlp('Yesterday, NASDAQ Index plunged more than 100 points from the day before, erasing the gains.')
# Get Named Entities in the text
(Yesterday, NASDAQ, more than 100, the day before)

Now, let's see how each entity is recognized.

for ent in doc.ents:
Yesterday DATE
more than 100 CARDINAL
the day before DATE

Voilà, given this information, we can filter out unnecessary entities.

Concluding remarks

While NER method may not be perfect, I'm sure it can reduce the burden of preprocessing dramatically if used properly.

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