Using Observable plot in Svelte

2 min read

Observable plot

For the past weeks, I've exploring alternative visualization tools, especially those based on javascript. As D3.js has always been on my radar, it was no surprise that Observable plot caught my eyes. (Observable was made by Mike Bostock, creator of D3.)

While many people agree that D3 is one of the most powerful visualization tools, they would also agree that it's painstaking to just create a simple barchart.

Having known this for long, the team at Observable made Observable plot, which works just like other plotting tools, ggplot2 in R, for instance.


By the same token that I was intrigued with Observable plot, I got interested with this frontend framework. Obviously, there are other leading framework. Ever heard of React.js, Vue.js 😄? React is the most popular one among others, but it also is infamous for its steep learning curve and rather complicated coding style, not to mention performance. Compared to others, Svelte is faster and cleaner, along with its easier learning curve.

Let's begin

Since the introduction of Svelte nor Observable plot isn't the purpose of this post, I wouldn't delve into much. For installation, refer to the following.


Svelte As with other javascript frameworks, you create a Svelte project, rather than installing it (unlike installing Python or R).

npx degit sveltejs/template my-svelte-project
cd my-svelte-project
npm install
npm run dev

Observable plot

yarn add @observablehq/plot

Observable plot basic usage


import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import * as d3 from 'd3';   // For D3 functions


const sales = [


Plot.plot(options)  // Basic form, recommended by the Observable team
// The followings are equivalent
Plot.plot({marks: [,{x:'units',y:'fruit'})]}),{x:'units',y:'fruit'}).plot()

Using Observable plot in Svelte

As with other frontend frameworks, Svelte also has the gateway file, App.svelte. To comply with the recommended form of Observable plot, it makes sense to create a component for the plot and let App.svelte uses that component.


import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
import * as d3 from 'd3';
export let options;
function myplot(node) {
{#key options}
<div use:myplot {...$$restProps}></div>


import APlot from './Plot.svelte';
import * as Plot from "@observablehq/plot";
export const sales = [
<APlot options={% raw %}{{marks: [,{x:'units',y:'fruit'})]}}{% endraw %} />
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