Using dictionary with parquet-saved (pyarrow) DataFrame

2 min read

Despite the convenience and popularity of .csv filetype, it has inherent drawbacks in terms of big data analyses. Notable examples include larger file sizes, column type losses to name a few. In fact, I have experienced an error when trying to load .csv file in PySpark.

To tackle the issue with this filetype, many practitioners have turned to alternatives like .parquet among others. Among available options, .parquet has been popular since it is natively supported by pandas.

No caveat, heh?

If that's all, this is too good to be true. Besides being unable to read by a text reader, some data types saved with .parquet (at least with pyarrow engine for sure) converts the original DataFrame to another. Specifically, when a Series in the DataFrame has dictionaries with different keys, the resultant parquet-saved DataFrame has Series with all-encompassing dictionaries.

>>> import pandas as pd
>>> data = pd.DataFrame({'id': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'json': [{'a': 'json_a'}, {'b': 'json_b'}, {'c': 'json_c'}]})
  id             json
0  a  {'a': 'json_a'}
1  b  {'b': 'json_b'}
2  c  {'c': 'json_c'}
>>> data.to_parquet('sample.parquet')
>>> pd.read_parquet('sample.parquet')
  id                                   json
0  a  {'a': 'json_a', 'b': None, 'c': None}
1  b  {'a': None, 'b': 'json_b', 'c': None}
2  c  {'a': None, 'b': None, 'c': 'json_c'}
>>> data.to_csv('sample.csv',index=False)
>>> pd.read_csv('sample.csv')
  id             json
0  a  {'a': 'json_a'}
1  b  {'b': 'json_b'}
2  c  {'c': 'json_c'}

Here, while .csv preserves the Series with single key for each dictionary, .parquet does not, i.e., the resultant Series has dictionaries with all three keys.

How to solve?

Since the problem was with dictionary, the solution is pretty simple. Instead of saving as dictionary, converting it into str and later putting back to dictionary (json module comes to the rescue).

>>> import json
>>> data['json'] = data['json'].apply(lambda x:json.dumps(x))
>>> data.to_parquet('sample.parquet')
>>> data_parquet = pd.read_parquet('sample.parquet')
>>> data_parquet
  id             json
0  a  {"a": "json_a"}
1  b  {"b": "json_b"}
2  c  {"c": "json_c"}
>>> data_parquet['json'] = data_parquet['json'].apply(lambda x:json.loads(x))
>>> data_parquet
  id             json
0  a  {'a': 'json_a'}
1  b  {'b': 'json_b'}
2  c  {'c': 'json_c'}

Voilà! The resultant DataFrame is the same with the original now while being able to taking advantage of .parquet filetype.

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