Getting HTML inside JSON in Scrapy

1 min read

Scraping HTML xor JSON page with Scrapy (or Request and/or BeautifulSoup4 for that matter) is rather straight-forward.

response_json = response.json()
## Subsequent manipulation is done with xpath
response_html = response

Then, how about HTML inside a JSON document?

Selector() to the rescue

Let's say a scraped JSON document has a section named html which includes HTML tags. How to scrape it and make the HTML tags manipulated with xpath?

Scrapy's Selector() is to be used upon that JSON object.

import scrapy
response_json = response.json()
response_json['html'] = scrapy.Selector(text=response_json['html'],type='html')

Here, when using Selector(), be sure to assign with text=. Unless, error might occur while type assignment is optional.

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